Company Preview:
- Everest Logistics Services (ELS) established in 2015 located in Alexandria, Egypt . We offer a broad portfolio of services including , Trucking Services, Sea Freight Services, air freight logistics, Customs Clearance Services,etc.
- Our dedicated and experienced professionals always provide you with tailor-made logistics solutions customized to your particular needs.
- ELS is exceptionally positioned to serve both international and domestic customers in the world's fastest-growing markets.
- We have been known for delivering reliable cargo handling services. Our company has been credited for providing Air Freight services, Freight Logistics services, hassle-free services for clearance of both export and import consignments.
Our Mission:
- To be an organization that is innovative, and a leader in identifying and adapting new techniques and technologies for our customers.
- To be an organization that provides its customers recommendations and solutions that are unbiased by potential economic gains from outside suppliers.
- To be an organization that retains highly qualified personnel, provides for their career development, and establishes programs that provide a high degree of personal and family economic security.
- To keep ownership and control of our company in the hands of its employees.
- To maintain a financially strong business earning a reasonable profit, which is the only way we can provide security for our personnel, continue quality service for our customers, and reward our shareholders.
- To be an organization that has a passion for excellence in every activity we conduct.
Our operational excellence provides the foundation for the integrated logistics solutions that we offer to our customers. The team of skilled professionals constantly monitor operational performance by maintaining a PDCA (Plan / Do / Check / Action) cycle for continuous improvements. We focus on the development of highly advanced logistics technology and the global training of personnel. By providing in-depth analyses of the transportation environment and of various other technical services, our mission is to add critical value to our logistics solutions